How to make a self-soothe box


Creating a self-soothe box is a simple activity children can do to use when their emotions feel overwhelming.

This resource belongs to the resource hub for classroom and wellbeing support.

A self-soothe box is a box children can create to turn to in moments of distress or worry. It is filled with items that calm the child down, help them focus on what they are doing in that moment, and reduce feelings of worry or sadness.

This simple guide walks children through how to create their own self-soothe box. It shares ideas for things to include and ways to decorate the box. 

This could be a good classroom activity to run with pupils.

Using this resource

This resource is designed for:

  • use with children aged 5 to 11
  • use with small groups or individual children

The activity may also be used as a suggested home-based activity. 

Curriculum links

England - RHSE

Mental wellbeing

Pupils should know:

• simple self-care techniques, including the importance of rest, time spent with friends and family and the benefits of hobbies and interests

Northern Ireland - Personal Development and Mutual Understanding

Personal Understanding and Health

Pupils should be enabled to explore:

• their own and others’ feelings and emotions; (Foundation)

• their own and others’ feelings and emotions and how their actions affect others; (KS1)

• their management of a range of feelings and emotions and the feelings and emotions of others (KS2)

Wales – Health and Wellbeing

Statement 2 - How we process and respond to our experiences affects our mental health and emotional well-being.

Scotland - Health and Wellbeing

Mental and Emotional Wellbeing

• I understand the importance of mental wellbeing and that this can be fostered and strengthened through personal coping skills.

• I know that we all experience a variety of thoughts and emotions that affect how we feel and behave, and I am learning ways of managing them.

This resource belongs to the resource hub for classroom and wellbeing support.

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